About Me

Foto saya
an ordinary girl with extraordinary dreams, and has a great love for everyone:D I love my cheese (always) ;)

Selasa, 24 Januari 2012

kebenaran dan konsekuensi

Ada dua rahasia dalam membuat pilihan yang cerdas.
Tahu mengapa kamu mau atau tidak melakukan sesuatu, Mengerti apa saja konsekuensi yang bakal timbul.
jika kamu mau jujur kamu bisa menciptakna rumus dalam kepalamu untuk membuat setiap pilihan yang kamu hadapi tampak jelas.
Mengertahui alasannya mengapa kamu mau atau tidak mau melakukan sesuatu membantumu untuk mengenal dirimu sendiri. saat kamu mengetahui kebenaran kamu ingin melakukan sesuatu, kamu bisa memperhitungkan alasan itu dan memutuskan apa yang tepat untukmu.Pastikan agar kamulah yang menjadi penentu tindakanmu sendiri; kamu tidak mau melakukan sesuatu hanya untuk membuat orang lain merasa kagum.
Kebanyakan perbuatan memiliki 2 konsekuensi : hasil langsung dan hasil sekunder. contohnya begini :
Perbuatan                 Hasil Langsung                                 Hasil Sekunder
Makan cokelat                    Nyam!                                                Menambah Kalori
Tidak cuci muka                   Bisa tidur cepat                                Jerawat
Bolos                           Libur sehari!                           Hukuman
Berbohong                Tidak ketahuan                                Merasa bersalah
Berbohong                Tertangkap basah!              Mendapat pelajaran
Merokok                    Menjadi anak gaul              Kanker paru paru
Jika kamu memikirkan konsekuensi-konsekuensi yang mungkin terjadi, kamu bisa membuat pilihan berdasarkan informasi tersebut dan memutuskan apakah konsekuensinya sepadan dengan perbuatannya.
Dikutip dari : “If high school is a game” dengan pengubahan seperlunya

get a life

calling me FAKE won’t make you REAL,
calling me STUPID won’t make you SMART,
calling me WEAK won’t make you STRONG,
calling me UGLY won’t make you PRETTY,
calling me MEAN won’t make you NICE,
calling me WEIRD won’t make you COOL,
calling me USELESS won’t make you PERFECT,
calling me POOR won’t make you RICH,
calling me GUILTY won’t make you INNOCENT,
calling me BORING won’t make you FUN,
calling me SHY won’t make you OUTGOING,
calling me GAY won’t make you STRAIGHT,
calling me a LIAR won’t make you HONEST,
calling me a LOSER won’t make you a WINNER,
calling me a NERD won’t make you POPULAR,
calling me a COWARD won’t make you BRAVE,
calling me a SLAVE won’t make youα  MASTER,
calling me a FAILURE won’t make you SUCCESSFUL,
so why bother...?
every insult you make is only hurting YOU ! LOL XD

let’s read another one ‎​\(′▽`)/

Got a problem?...Solve it!
Lost?...Get found!
Think i'm trippin' ?...Tie my shoe!
Can't stand me?...Sit down!
Can't face me?...Well turn around!
Love me?...Great!
Hate me?...Eνen better!
Think i'm ugly?...Don't look at me!
Don't like my style?...Don't like yourѕ!
Don't know me?... Dσn't judge me!
Think you know me?...You have nσ ideα!
Think i'm not cool?... Go get a fan!
Think i'm a loser?....Find a trophy!
Think i have no life?...Go find one!
~Don't judge me if you don't know me.~

about a girl

1) She won't mind sleeping a little bit later just to talk to you, the guy she's been in love with
2) You've always been in her prayer
3) She would call or text you, in her busiest time, just to know if you're doing alright
4) She would never get mad at you, because she never wants to hurt your feeling
5) She may get jealous some times, but never get it the wrong way, it means she loves you a little too much
6) She hates waiting, but when it comes to waiting for someone she loves, she won't care
7) She can be your best friend and your lover at a time
8) She always wants you to be happy, even if she is no longer the part of it
9) She always wants you to find a reason to smile, even if she is no longer the reason
10) She may fake her smiles, but never her tears and feelings
11) She remembers every little thing about you
12) When you're near, her heart beats faster and slower at the same time
13) When you talk to her, she can't seem to stop smiling
14) When you hold her hands, her heart melts like never before
15) When you brush her hair, her cheeks blush
16) When you kiss her, her knees go weak
17) When you laugh, it warms her heart
18) When you cry, it bleeds her heart
19) When you're away, she'll never stop loving and missing you
20) When you leave her, you take parts of her, and her heart with you
21) She loves you for who you are, not for how you look
22) She loves you in and out
23) However sweaty you may get, she won't mind to give you a warm hug
24) However annoying you may get, she can never get mad
25) She never forgets every little thing she's done with you
26) She never forgets the times that bring smiles to her face
27) She never forgets the one that flies her high, and it's you
28) She never forgets her anniversary date
29) She loves the way you call her name
30) She loves you.

She may not be your dream come true,
She may not be the shooting star you've always wished,
But she will always try to be that one girl you've always needed

disney all night long =D

From Disney, we've learnt:

1) Why was Snow White given an apple with poison?
To show that not all people are as kind as they pretend to be.

2) Why did Cinderella have to run away when the clock stroke midnight?
To remind us that everything has limitations even dreams.

3) Why did Ariel mermaid decide to exchange her fins with feet?
To show that anyone is willing to give up anything to be happy.

4) Why did Beauty get in love with the Beast?
To show us that beauty IS NOT everything, we have to look at the personality first.


if you get more than 30, get some counselling.
If you get more than 20, you’re paranoid.
If you get 11-20, you are normal.
If you get 10 or less, you’re fearless.
People who don’t have any are full of crap.

I fear …
[ ] black people
[x ] the dark
[x] staying single forever
[ ] being a parent
[ ] being myself in front of others
[ ] open spaces
[ ] closed spaces
[ ] heights
[ ] dogs
[ ] birds
[ ] fish
[ ] spiders
[ ] flowers or other plants

Total so far: 2

[ ] being touched
[ ] fire
[ x] deep deep water
[ x] snakes
[ ] silk
[ ] the ocean
[ ] failure
[ ] success
[ ] thunder/lightning
[ ] frogs/toads
[ ] my boyfriends/girlfriends dad
[ ] my boyfriends/girlfriends mom
[ x] rats
[ x] jumping from high places
[ ] snow

Total so far: 4

[ ] rain
[ ] wind
[ ] crossing hanging bridges
[ ] death
[ ] heaven
[ ] being robbed/mugged
[ ] falling
[ ] clowns
[ ] dolls
[ ] large crowds of people
[ ] men
[ ] women
[ ] having great responsibilities
[ ] doctors
[ x] tornadoes

Total so far: 1

[ ] hurricanes
[ ] incurable diseases
[ x] sharks
[ ] Friday the 13th
[ ] scary movies
[ ] poverty
[ ] Halloween
[ ] school
[ ] trains
[ ] odd numbers
[ ] even numbers
[x ] being alone
[x ] becoming blind
[ ] becoming deaf
[ ] growing up, old

Total so far: 3

[x ] creepy noises in the night
[x ] not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[ ] needles
[ ] blood

Grand total; 12

GREAT QUOTES from many source

Falling in love with you is the second best thing in the world.
Finding you is the first.

I can’t find a reason why GOD gave you to me,but that is not the question to be asked.
Maybe the question is how GOD knew that I needed a friend like you.

I’m not the coolest person ever,neither the smartest or the prettiest,but there’s no one as real as I am.

#dearhaters don’t judge me by what you have seen in me.what you have seen in me is only what I have chosen to show you.

#dearhaters thank you for making me the center of your world,it’s much appreciated.

Trying to forget someone I love=trying to remember someone I’ve never met.

A rainbow wouldn’t be a rainbow if it lost one of its colors. So don’t lose any thing about you.you’re beautiful just the way you are.

You say that you just want someone
But I’m the only one you need

A real friend is hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.

Love is like a violin. The music may stop now and then, but the strings remain forever.

I’m not saying you’re stupid, I’m just implying it.

You are my life. You're the only thing it would hurt to lose.

Judge me, and I'll prove you wrong. Tell me what to do, and I'll tell you off.

Give her 2 red roses, each with a note. The first note says for the woman I love and the second, For my best friend.


Accepts you as you are
Believes in “you”
Calls you just to say “hi”
Doesn’t give up on you
Envisions the whole of you
Forgives your mistakes
Gives unconditionally
Helps you
Invites you over
Just “be” with you
Keeps you close at heart
Loves you for who you are
Makes a difference in your life
Never Judges
Offers support
Picks you up
Quiets your fears
Raises your spirits
Says nice thing about you
Tells you the truth when you need to hear it
Understands you
Values you
Walks beside you
X-plain things you don’t understand
Yells when youwon’t listen
Zaps you back to reality